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Submitted Conference Content

Full name

Sebastien Arbogast

Job Entrepreneur and consultant
email sebastien [dot] arbogast [at] epseelon [dot] com
Skypeid sebastien.arbogast
Phone number +32492778779
Company Epseelon
City (Country) Brussels (Belgium)
Time 1h
Type of Conference Conference > 100 attendees
Level Everybody

Lean Startup for Developers: You Can Do It Too!


After more than 5 years working as a software development and architecture consultant for others, in January 2011 I won the first Startup Weekend in Brussels and that event was the kick-in-the-butt I needed to start my own business. Plus, the Startup Weekend introduced me to Lean Startup techniques for the first time and it gave me hope as to my chances of success and it gave me the tools I needed to shape my ideas. Today, after almost 3 years using Lean Startup techniques, both on my projects and as a coach for others, I learned one or two things that I would love to pass along to fellow developers who are thinking of bringing their own ideas to life, but are hesitant to.


A lot of software developers work as consultants or as employees for big companies. And sometimes, especially when you're an agile practitioner, it can be very frustrating to fight all this bureaucracy and talk some sense into those layers and layers of Excel-mastering managers. We've all thought it at some point: if I had my own company, I would do better. Then why don't you? Is it because you believe it takes an MBA to build your own company? Is it because you're waiting for this million-dollar idea that will make you rich and allow you to quit your job overnight? Well, this conference won't push you in a direction you don't want to go, but its goal is to give you just the right nudge to move forward. Because that's what Lean Startup techniques did to me 3 years ago. And this presentation will show you some of the tools I've been using, as well as some of the things that I've learnt by experience.


A little bit of commonsense, a certain dose of open-mindedness, and a certain level of ambition to start building your own products... and changing the world.

Benefits for the attendees

Hopefully attendeees will come out of this presentation with a little more inspiration and some practical tools to start designing their next startup right away.

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