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Submitted Conference Content

Full name


Job Engagement leader
email anais [dot] victor [at] gmail [dot] com
Phone number + 841676270493
Company Officience
City (Country) Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam)
Time 1h15
Type of Conference Workshop / 20 attendees
Level Everybody

Agile Cross-Borders


Working abroad was a dream... and I made it come true when I moved to Vietnam in 2012. I studied IT in France, but it was clearly not my true passion... As all young girls I wanted to be a princess, a teacher, a baker. Finally, I gave up, business analyst was my job. Then I was introduced to agile and... I was not convinced at all. Happily the Agile Vietnam Tour 2012 in Ho Chi Minh, changed my mind : with agile I learnt to work differently, with more creativity... We improved our delivery, our solidarity, our relationships... our communication also and it's maybe why my nickname is now "con két" (parrot in vietnamese)


Summary : Communication is the key of Agile, and language is the key of communication... let's find some skills to remove all impediments due to language barriers in multi-cultural work places growing in our world Details : "Individuals & Interactions", "Customer Collaboration"... "Yes, I know, we know... but I can't speak English, I don't feel comfortable to speak with our clients, I'm quite shy, I've a real complex with my pronunciation, i can't find my words...but every night I dream to be a great scrum master..." So much frustration, that you already experienced, I guess? Have you ever meet someone to who you would like to talk so much but you couldn't because of a barrier language? In agile off-shore projects, people always have to use English, a second language that they master at different levels: limited vocabulary, approximate pronunciation, etc. The most obvious way to get over this is of course to take English lessons, but even intensive lessons take time while projects have started and need to be delivered. Furthermore your best talented developer is often the less skilled in English! Therefore, I would like to make you think about the language barrier as a pretext, a subterfuge...As human beings, we all have members and senses, and the combination of both is widely enough to overcome language barriers. Since I joined an improvisation troupe in Saïgon, I realized, that it's not only a personal hobby, but it can be of use for our agile teams. So the idea of this session is to experience through theatrical improvisation, the natural resources, that anyone can use when she/he has to face to these blocking issues. It will be a chance to learn about improvisation, with a short improv' introduction and warm-up, then we will enjoy to play some specific categories, to get & find some skills in order to face to the communication impediments, which are disturbing us to lead agile values Agenda : Introduction (5’) Agile Cross Borders Story (5’) Agile Game (35’) Iterations Time Line (5’) Improv’ Best Practices (15’) Conclusion (5’) Q&A (20’)


Basics of Agile values & scrum methodolgy

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